Money transfer procedure Indonesian (Bank Transfer):
1. Bank transfer can be done by using a virtual account on the ATM BERSAMA network and PRIMA.
2. ATM BCA/ ATM PRIMA network:
a. In the main menu, choose Transaksi Lainnya.
b. Choose Transfer.
c. Choose Ke Rek Bank Lain.
d. Input code 113 for Bank Jateng then choose Benar button.
e. Input the payment ammount based on the run category on your registration process.
f. Input <*Virtual Account Number> then choose Benar button.
g. The payment amount and destination account will appear in the transfer confirmation page. Choose Benar if the information is correct.
h. The transaction is successful.
3. ATM BERSAMA network:
a. In the main menu, choose Transaksi Lainnya.
b. Choose Transfer.
c. Choose Ke Rekening Bank Lain shared ATM/Link.
d. Input 113 <*Virtual Account Number>
e. Input the payment amount based on the run category on your registration process.
f. Clear the transfer reference number and choose Benar.
g. Your transaction information will be appear on the screen. Choose Benar if the information is correct.
h. The transaction is successful.
For more details, please watch a video ‘Payment Gateway Procedure’.