For the first time. ultra marathon will be competed in the Borobudur Marathon. The race start on November 18, 2016.
And here’s some fact about ultra marathon Borobudur Marathon you need to know:
1. Ultra Marathon held in 3 stages
The aim is that ultra marathon finish time coincides with the time finish another category (42.195 Km Marathon, Half Marathon 21.097 Km, 10 Km and Celebrity Ambassador Runs 3,333 km) on Sunday, November 20, 2016 and in order to facilitate the control and supervision.
a. Stage 1 (Friday, November 18, 2016), Start Station / Railway Museum Ambarawa -Base Camp climbing Mount Merbabu Ds.Gedakan, a distance of 42 km (COT 8 hours);
b.Etape 2 (Saturday, November 19, 2016), Start Base Camp Ds.Gedakan -Barak evacuation Ds.Tanjung Muntilan, a distance of 60 km (COT 12 hours);
c.Etape 3 (Sunday, November 20, 2016), Barak Start Tanjung Muntilan -Finish Lumbiní Borobudur Park complex is 18 km (COT 4 hours).
You shall break and spend the night at each stage and recorded latency. Later, all the participants will be the start of each stage simultaneously.
2. There is a shuttle to transport participants to the starting point
The committee provides a shuttle transportation from Hotel Artos towards a start in Station / Railway Museum Ambarawa. Delivery departs at 10.00 hrs, also allowed independently be in place starting later than hour 1.30 pm for re-registration (check-in).
3. BIB participant rules
Each participant gets two pieces of BIB number to be worn in front (chest) and behind (back / bag). BIB is used alone and is not transferable. Along the route / track to enter the finish, its use clearly visible and may not be modified (folded, cut, covered or coupled with other graffiti resulting number is unclear).
And also, if you entering the finish when only using one piece BIB, or not used, both are / is missing, then you is disqualification.
4. Regarding the check point
As the race in general, you should follow the instructions to run the path along the route / track from start to finish. No need to worry because these paths / tracks prepared for directions or other signs are clear and the race marshal.
Later, you have to enter in all check point (CP) and report to the registrar. You shall also take the signs (bracelet / ribbon) at every check point specified in the Km 25, Km 48, Km 90 and Km 116.
Along the route, you are allowed to carry out a break outside check point, can adjust to the needs of each.
5. Location of Water Station
a.CP1 Km 11.5 (water, isotonic, Medical)
b.CP 2 Km 25 (water, isotonic, fruit, Medical)
c.WS 1 Km 42 (water, isotonic, Spot / Noodle Cup, Medical)
d.CP 3 Km 48 (Medical)
e.CP 4 Km 60 (water, isotonic, fruit, Medical)
f.CP 5 Km 75 (water, isotonic, fruit, Medical)
g.CP 6 Km 90 (water, isotoinic, Medical)
h.WS 2 Km 102 (water, isotonic, Spot / Noodle Cup, Medical)
i.CP 7 Km 115 (water, isotonic, fruit, Medical)
j.CP 8 Km 116 (water, isotonic, Medical)
6. No champion
There are no winners in this category. But the rankings remain a legitimate participant registered on the accumulation of each stage and the later medal, a certificate and a souvenir given to all participants who entered the finish according to regulations.
7. Storage bag
You can leave bags at least 30 minutes before the start (when the re-registration. You will then be asked to complete and sign the form).
Meanwhile for making bags, can only be implemented in WS 1 & 2. The Committee shall not be responsible for loss or damage to the bag with all its contents.
If the bag is not taken will be stored organizers.
8. What not to do
a. Shorten or extend the distance beyond the routes / tracks to be determined;
b. Get help physically outside the committee, but specifically allowed when a participant for along the route can buy additional individual needs (food, beverages, medicines, etc.);
c.Impolite, and create a rowdy atmosphere as well as a very disturbing situation;
d.Run with Pacer; and cheating;
e.Not comply with the directions of technical personel, including doctors;
f. Using drugs and doping; and
g. Take off the clothes on a route / track
To complete the provisions of the ultra marathon, take a look at this page. For registration, you can do so on this page.